Bedford No Fear
- Description: Wednesdays, At Mark's Church, Calendar Rise, Bedford, MK41 7UY, 7pm-10pm. Partner required. Thursdays-Church Lane Community Centre, MK41 0 PW, 10am-1pm. No partner necessary. Fridays, St Mark's Church, Calender Rise, MK41 7UY. 10am-1pm, Partner required. Fridays-Biddenham Village Hall, MK40 4BJ, 2.30pm-5.30pm. Partner required.
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Email:
Walking Football Session
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Day of the week: Monday Evening and Thursday Afternoon
- Address: Flitwick Leisure Centreon the outdoor astroturf
- Email:
Bedford Junior Parkrun (4-14 year olds)
- Description: Weekly free 2k timed run for juniors but please register before your first run! Meet at the skate park 8.45am for warm up
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Day of the week: Sundays
- Time: Meet at the skate park 8.45am for warm up
- Address: Jubilee Park, Moulton Ave, Bedford MK42 0HL
- Website:
- Description: Juniors from ages 6-15 6.00PM-7.15PM. Bats and balls provided. Social play for adults 7.30pm-10pm.
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Day of the week: MONDAY EVENINGS
- Address: Lincroft Academy, High Street, Oakley, MK43 7RE
- Website:
Bowls Ampthill Bowls Club
- Description: The club welcome ladies and gents of all levels, from beginners who just want a friendly game to those who are a little more competitive and want to play in fixtures & competitions. All ages. Mambership fee.
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Address: Brinsmade Rd, Ampthill MK45 2PP
- Telephone: 07927473113/01525841055
- Email:
North Beds Ramblers
- Description: Come and join us for a walk. We walk every Saturday afternoon approx 6 miles ans Saturdays twice a month in the morning for approx 12 miles.
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Telephone: 7780933729
- Website:
- Email:
- Description: A drop-in session for children and their families to explore, play, learn and have fun together. Friendly, experienced staff from Flitwick Children’s Centre available throughout the session to support and offer advice around topics such as child development, health and wellbeing, finance and applying for free nursery places for 2- and 3-year-olds.
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Day of the week: TUESDAY (TERM TIME ONLY)
- Time: 9.30AM
- Address: Cranfield C of E Academy, Braeburn Way, Cranfield, Bedford, MK43 0EH
Falcon SA Gymnastics Club
- Description: Boys and girls between the ages of 7 and 14. "Fusing traditional gymnastics and acrobatics with tricks and stunts made famous from the movies. This includes rolling climbing, swinging, vaulting, jumping, plyometrics, as well as learning flics and somersaults in a safe and inclusive environment with qualified coaches."
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Day of the week: Saturdays
- Time: 1.15pm to 2.15pm
- Address: Scott Primary School, Hawk Drive, Bedford MK41 7JA
- Website:
Ampthill & District Archelogical & local History Society
- Description: Programme of talks and summer visits, field walking and local history research. Age range: 16 upwards. membership fee:£8 per person pa.+meeting fee of £2 members/ £3 non-members. Visitors welcome. Oct-Apr (Except Jan).
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Day of the week: 1st Monday of the month
- Time: 7.45pm
- Address: Lecture Room Flitwick library Coniston Rd, Flitwick MK45 1QJ
- Website:
Social Table Tennis
- Description: All Ages Welcome. Just Turn Up. £4 per player per session, Bats Available, Free Hire. Coaching Available.
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Day of the week: Mondays & Tuesdays
- Time: 7.30pm-10.00pm
- Address: Sports Hall, Lincroft School, Oakley MK43 7RE
- Telephone: 7921093199
Maulden Bowls Club
- Description: Maulden Bowls Club seeks new & experienced members to join. As a social & outdoors sport, the club already appeals to dozens of local people. Membership is available to anyone from the age of 10 upwards. The club is non-discriminatory. Fully covered with safeguarding and welfare.
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Telephone: 01525405483/07778181015
- Website:
Wixams Lego Club
- Description: We have Mega Blocks, Duplo, Lego, Lego Kits & Lego Technics.
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Time: 9.30am-11am
- Address: Lakeview Village Hall, 155-166 Brooklands Ave, Wixams MK42 6AB
- Email:
Falcon SA Gymnastics Club
- Description: Gymnastics for boys and girls from 4 years, In a safe and friendly environment. Offering floor work, apparatus and badges.
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Day of the week: Weekday evenings
- Time: 4.45pm
- Address: Scott Primary School, Hawk Drive, Bedford
- Website:
Bedford Mighty Eagles Dodgeball Team
- Description: A club that plays at a high level but welcomes anyone from any sporting ability and background. 15yrs or over. Men’s and women’s squad. £3 per session – First session free. Training is at Wootton Upper School, Hall End Road, MK43 9HT
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Day of the week: Tuesdays
- Time: 7pm-9pm
Mowsbury Park Bowls Club
- Description: If you are looking to try a new sport with an active social element why not try Bowls. Come along any Wednesday or Friday. Free coaching provided if needed-first 4 sessions for free. Just bring flat shoes; all other equipment provided. Entrance is via Wentworth Drive
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Day of the week: Wednesday or Friday (May- Sep)
- Time: 2pm to 4.30pm
- Address: Cleat Hill, Kimbolton Road, Ravensden, United Kingdom, MK41 8BJ
- Telephone: 1234211828
- Website:
Cycling Uk Bedfordshire
- Description: We meet on a regular basis and have rides to various places, and cater for all abilities. We ride as a group for the pleasure of riding and socialising!
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Website:
Renhold Bridge Club
- Description: Break for lunch midway (please bring your own sandwiches); coffee/tea free. Friendly duplicate bridge. Members £3; guests and visitors £4.
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Day of the week: First and third Thursdays of each month
- Time: 11am - 2.45pm
- Address: Renhold Village Hall, Wilden Rd, Renhold MK41 0LY
- Telephone: 1234771858
Wootton Badminton Club
- Description: Friendly club welcoming anyone who does or has played badminton.
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Day of the week: Thursdays
- Time: 7.30pm to 10.00pm
- Address: Wootton Upper School, Hall End, Wootton, Beds, MK43 9HT
- Website:
- Email:
Bedford Girls and Ladies FC
- Description: Voluntary sports club for girls age 8 and upwards.
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Time: –
- Telephone: 1234772668
Shinpi Izumi Martial Arts Club – Ju Jutsu style
- Description: Juniors
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Day of the week: Mondays -term time only
- Time: 6pm - 7pm
- Address: St Cuthbert’s Hall, Newnham Street, Bedford, MK40 3JR
- Telephone: 7840314869